Fantastic Feet: Foot Care Tips For The Winter Months
When winter weather arrives, your feet could probably use a little extra tender loving care. Here are some tips for pampering your feet during those colder months.
Wash, Rinse, Dry … Repeat Daily
You should wash your feet each evening, using a washcloth, mild soap and water. Don't neglect the space between the toes – be sure to reach those hideaway spaces with the soap too. After washing, dry carefully, and again, don't forget between the toes. Regular washing and drying will help you guard against athlete's foot, bacteria, fungus, and foot odor.
Moisture, Moisture, Moisture
The cold, dry weather in winter is hard on the skin, and the feet are no exception. Moisturize your feet following every washing. You may find that you want to apply lotion or cream more than one time a day. If your feet, especially your heels, are dry and cracking, a podiatrist or dermatologist can prescribe products to help the problem.
Soft and Smooth Heels
You can use a foot file or a pumice stone to remove the rough, tough skin on your heels and in any calloused areas. It's easiest to do this when your skin is a little damp after bathing or soaking.
Tidy Toenails
You should trim your toenails regularly. Be sure to cut the nail straight across, not on a curve, to avoid ingrown toenails. Then use an emery board to file off any rough or sharp places on the nail. The toenails become more brittle as a person ages. Some brands of nail polish and nail polish remover can hasten the drying out of the nails. Applying cuticle cream or petroleum jelly to the nails will help to moisturize them.
Socks and Shoes and Such
Change your socks or stockings each day. If your feet sweat a lot, then change the socks more than once a day. You may have a favorite pair of shoes, but you still need to rotate the shoes you wear. Allowing shoes to air out at least one day between the times you wear them helps you avoid foot infections or odors.
See a Foot Specialist
Foot problems can sometimes arise even when you're taking good care of your feet. For stubborn problems such as infections, bunions, or ingrown toenails, you can see a foot specialist such as Christopher E. Hubbard, MD for care. If you have a chronic condition, such as diabetes or arthritis, then you'll want to talk to your doctor about regular care for your feet.