Managing Your Menopause Symptoms: Exploring Treatment Options

Hot flashes, mood swings, irritability, night sweats, and frequent urination are just a few of the symptoms that often accompany menopause. For many woman, these symptoms can greatly impact the quality of their day-to-day life. Consequently, the ability to effectively manage these symptoms will be incredibly important. Thankfully, there are several different treatment options available that have proven effective in managing the symptoms of menopause. Below you will learn more about a few of these treatment options so that you can determine which option is best suited to your particular needs.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy or HRT is the most common method of treating the symptoms of menopause. By increasing the levels of progesterone and estrogen in the system, doctors are able to provide significant relief from symptoms such as hot flashes. This is because these symptoms are typically the result of naturally decreasing hormone levels within the body.

Traditionally, synthetic hormones have been used in the administration of HRT. However, many physicians are now recommending the use of what is known as bioidentical hormones. These hormones have the same molecular structure as the hormones naturally produced by your body. The only difference is, these hormones are derived from plants. It is believed using these natural hormones rather than the synthetic hormones used in traditional HRT will help to decrease the risk of serious side effects, such as the development of breast cancer.

Black Cohosh

If you are looking for an all-natural way to treat the symptoms of menopause, you may wish to consider the use of black cohosh. As with most natural supplements, studies regarding the effectiveness of this root extract offer mixed results. While some women experience significant symptom relief when taking this supplement, others report little to no relief from their menopause symptoms. The good news is, with mild stomach discomfort being the only reported side effect associated with taking this supplement, you truly have nothing to lose by at least giving it a try.


Soy contains high levels of a compound known as isoflavones. Isofavones are a plant's version of estrogen and can be used by the human body as an estrogen replacement. In some woman, the ingestion of soy on a daily basis can help to relieve the symptoms of menopause due to the effects this compound has on the body. However, it is important to note that this treatment option will not be effective for all women. Furthermore, the effects that isoflavones have on the body will typically be short lived. Therefore, you will need to commit to eating a significant amount of soy on a daily basis if you wish to maintain any results that you do see.

(For more information on hormone replacement therapy, you can contact Genemedics Health Institute)
