3 Important Things To Know If You Have A Child With An Egg Allergy
Children are more prone to food allergies than adults, and having a child with food allergies can be a little intimidating for sure. This is especially true if your child is allergic to a food that is as commonly incorporated into other foods like eggs are. When children are allergic to eggs, what they are actually allergic to is the proteins in the eggs, usually the egg whites. Here is a look at some of the things you should know if you have a child who has been diagnosed with having an egg allergy.
Children with egg allergies may be good candidates for desensitization treatment.
One of the natural ways to treat food allergies is with desensitization. This form of food allergy treatment involves exposing the child to small amounts of egg proteins repeatedly over the course of time in a controlled environment so the body learns how to react properly to the egg proteins. Desensitization is often attempted at home, but this form of treatment is best suited for a medical setting so the providers can be on standby if your child does have an allergic reaction that is more severe.
Children with egg allergies usually outgrow the issue.
One of the good things about most food allergies in children is that children do often grow out of those allergies as they get older, and the same applies to egg allergies most of the time. About 68 percent of children who are allergic to eggs will outgrow the issue by the time they are 16 years old. Therefore, if you are following an egg-free diet to avoid allergy issues with your child, it may be fine to eventually stray away from that diet with the doctor's guidance to see if the problem still exists.
Children with egg allergies may still be able to eat eggs in other foods.
It is not uncommon for parents to assume their child is not allergic to eggs anymore after diagnosis because their child can eat foods that have eggs in them, such as baked goods. However, the proteins in eggs that cause allergies often break down through some types of cooking processes. Specifically, the protein tends to break down more when the eggs are baked for long periods. Therefore, the child may still be allergic to eggs even though they are able to consume eggs in some foods without it triggering an allergic reaction.