Do You Keep, Keep Bleeding, Love? Nosebleeds’ Effect on Your Health

Nosebleeds are one of the more common maladies that befall mankind; they can be the result of anything from sneezing too hard to a dry nose from seasonal allergies or just taking an impact (say, of a fist, a door, or a telephone pole) to the nasal region of your face. But what effect do these nosebleeds actually have on your overall health? If you get chronic nosebleeds and want to make sure that they're not materially damaging your health every time you feel that familiar rushing sensation, then here's what you need to know.

The Honest Tooth

Generally, no matter how much you try to avoid it, blood gets in your mouth when you have a doozy of a nosebleed. While all that blood, especially if it happens on the regular, can make you worry about your dental health, don't worry: blood won't stain your teeth so long as you have enamel there to protect them. However, blood in the mouth can dry it out, leaving a prime place for bacteria to swarm in and start rotting your teeth, so you should always rinse, brush, and then drink a cup or two of water after a nosebleed to ensure that your mouth stays nice and moist.

Stomach Strength

Blood can also run down your throat and into your stomach during and after a nosebleed, so you may be concerned about your stomach's health. The blood will likely make you feel a bit queasy, so try to make sure not too much blood goes down there. If you swallow enough blood, you can throw up, and the force of the vomiting could cause the thin, dry membrane in your nose to crack again, causing yet another nosebleed. To avoid this upset stomach, let the blood drain out of your nose by tilting your head slightly forward and letting the blood flow out into the sink or into a tissue, depending on the amount of blood.

Your Overall Body

Nosebleeds—especially when they are frequent in occurrence and long in duration—can cause you to contract anemia (the condition of low blood iron, often simply referred to as 'low blood'), which can sap you of strength and energy and make your body sluggish and unable to work properly. If you suspect your frequent nosebleeds may have given you anemia, you should go see your doctor both to get prescription iron pills (to boost back up your blood) and to see whether something needs to be done about your nosebleeds (such as laser surgery to cauterize the blood vessels leading to your nose that are prone to bleeding).  

Talk to a professional, such as one at Eastern Carolina Ear Nose & Throat-Head, for more information. 
