
Three Reasons Not to Write Off Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids As an Option

A few decades ago, all hearing aids were behind-the-ear hearing aids. They wrapped around the back of the ear with a projection that came into the ear to project sounds through a speaker. This type of hearing aid still exists today, but it is one of many varieties of hearing aids that are now available. Many patients opt for newer designs, such as CIC (completely in canal) hearing aids and IIC (invisible in canal) hearing aids. Read More 

Common Mistakes During Your Colonoscopy Preparation And How To Avoid Them

There is nothing worse than not eating all day in order to prepare for a colonoscopy and then somehow messing up your preparation and having to do the entire process all over again. Here are some common mistakes that many people make while preparing for a colonoscopy and how to avoid them. 1. Leaving the House For a Long Period of Time One common mistake that many people make when preparing for a colonoscopy is leaving their homes for long periods of time. Read More 

When Is “Watchful Waiting” The Best Prostate Cancer Treatment Option?

If you or your spouse recently received the sobering diagnosis of prostate cancer, you may be wondering about your next steps—and understandably confused if the treating oncologist doesn't appear to share your urgency in hurrying forward with surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation treatment. In fact, many physicians will initially recommend a "watchful waiting" approach for certain types of prostate cancers that are detected in the early stages, monitoring progress to ensure the cancer doesn't spread rather than taking more extreme measures to eradicate it immediately. Read More 

Do You Keep, Keep Bleeding, Love? Nosebleeds’ Effect on Your Health

Nosebleeds are one of the more common maladies that befall mankind; they can be the result of anything from sneezing too hard to a dry nose from seasonal allergies or just taking an impact (say, of a fist, a door, or a telephone pole) to the nasal region of your face. But what effect do these nosebleeds actually have on your overall health? If you get chronic nosebleeds and want to make sure that they're not materially damaging your health every time you feel that familiar rushing sensation, then here's what you need to know. Read More 

Spring Sniffles? Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies (also known as pollen allergies or hay fever) affect a wide range of people from all sorts of backgrounds and living situations. In fact, statistics show that in America alone, 19.1 million people have been diagnosed with one sort of seasonal allergy or another over the past twelve months alone. But if you're not too fond of popping pills every four hours just so you can feel like a human being come allergy season, then you may be looking for a more natural solution to this common problem. Read More