Breast Cancer: Detecting It Early And What To Do About It

According to recent studies, the average American woman has about a 12% chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime. That's a frightening thought, especially when approximately 85% of those who develop breast cancer have no family history of cancer. Thankfully, this doesn't have to be a death sentence, and it doesn't have to be scary so long as you do all you can to detect it as early as possible. Read More 

Suffer With Sciatica? How A Chiropractor Can Help You

Sciatica is caused by compression of the spinal nerve root in the lower back. If you are suffering from this condition, you know how painful it can be. Fortunately, a chiropractor can help manage your pain. When You First Arrive If you have been treated by a doctor, bring your medical records with you at your first appointment. The chiropractor will need to see these so they can come up with the best treatment plan for you. Read More 

Autologous Tears For Chronic Dry Eye: What You Should Know

When you suffer from chronic dry eyes, you may wonder what treatments are available for your eye care. After all, the inability to produce the tears and fluids necessary to lubricate the eyes can be an incredibly frustrating and uncomfortable condition. Eye doctors are constantly working to develop new and effective treatments for such conditions. Among these are autologous tears that lubricate dry eyes, alleviating discomfort and reducing your risk of developing eye infections. Read More 

3 Tips For Managing Gestational Diabetes

When you're pregnant, your doctor will recommend that you take a number of different tests to ensure that you are healthy and that the baby is developing normally. Many of them are blood tests, but the test for gestational diabetes will probably stand out. That's because it's the test that requires you to drink a syrupy, sickly sweet drink and then wait around for an hour or more before you can have your blood drawn. Read More 

The Parents’ Guide To Childhood Fractures

As you and your spouse watch your infant crawl across the floor, you have visions of your child one day riding a bike, playing with the neighborhood kids, and participating in school sports. Then it dawns on you that all of these activities come with the risk of broken bones. Kids are resilient and they bounce back quickly from injury. Learn what to expect if your child breaks a bone and continue imagining them being an active kid. Read More