Pregnant And Diagnosed With Zika? Understand The Facts And Your Options

When you are pregnant, the last thing you want to worry about is the possibility of contracting a potentially dangerous illness that could affect your unborn child. However, with the sudden appearance of the Zika virus all throughout the Americas, including confirmed cases through mosquito bites in the state of Florida, the possibility seems all the more real each and every day. The question is, what do you do if you are pregnant and then are diagnosed with the Zika virus? Read More 

Non-Invasive Treatment For Your Child’s Spinal Curvature

If your child has been diagnosed with a curvature of the spine, or scoliosis, it's important to begin treatment early. When detected early, non-invasive treatments will likely be effective in straightening the spine without the need for surgery. Here is why early treatment is critical to your child's development and the most common non-invasive treatments used. Rapid Growth Can Be a Help or Hindrance Prior to puberty, your child's bones grow quickly. Read More 

9 Tips For Puppy Training

Training a puppy takes time and patience. There are no shortcuts, but it can be a rewarding experience for both you and your puppy. To help you and your puppy stay on the right track while training, here are some tips to keep in mind. Be consistent. Giving your puppy different commands can cause confusion. During training, try to use the same words for each behavior you want your puppy to exhibit. Read More 

How Do I Choose a Lens Material?

Prescription glasses come in many formats these days, so it can be challenging for patients to choose the right types for them. Lens material is one area where there is a wide variety of solutions. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the lens material for your prescription glasses.  Thickness The thickness of your lens material will affect many things. First of all, a thicker glass may distort your appearance, as the material magnifies the appearance of your eyes. Read More 

How Your Chiropractor Can Help with Your Tension Headaches

One of the most common types of headaches is the tension headache. Tension headaches can cause you to feel irritable, and they can cause you to suffer from pain as well as nausea. If you get tension headaches on a regular basis, your chiropractor can help you. Here are a few ways that chiropractic services can assist you. #1 Align Your Spine The first and primary thing that your chiropractor can do to assist you with your tension headaches is to help you get your spine in the correct position so that it is aligned. Read More