6 Tips For First-Time Marijuana Dispensary Visitors

For many people, visiting a marijuana dispensary is a new experience. You probably have a lot of questions. How do you know which product is right for you? What are the different types of marijuana? Dispensary staff members are more than happy to answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, here are six tips for first-time visitors. 1. Do Your Research. Before you set foot in a dispensary, it's a good idea to do some research. Read More 

Everything You Need To Know About Breast Pumps {Including How To Get One Free!}

For new moms, the decision of whether or not to use a breast pump can be a difficult one. On the one hand, pumps can be expensive and awkward to use, but they offer many benefits, including increased milk production and the ability to store milk for later use. If you're still on the fence about whether or not to use a breast pump, here's what you need to know, including how breast pumps work, the benefits of using one, and how to get a free breast pump. Read More 

Construction Workers With Hearing Loss Should Talk With Doctors ASAP

Working in construction can be a profitable endeavor, but may also cause some health concerns. For example, hearing loss is common in the construction world and can be very debilitating and hard to tolerate. As a result, it is critical for construction workers to continually assess their hearing and potential problems and work with a doctor who has their best needs in mind. When Construction Workers May Want to Talk to a Hearing Doctor Read More 

Non-Surgical Treatments That Might Help Your Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence can cause you to isolate yourself because you fear you'll have an accident or you worry about odor. Instead of letting incontinence control your life, talk to your doctor about finding a solution. Incontinence can often be cured with the proper treatment. It shouldn't be thought of as a normal result of aging or pregnancy. The treatment your doctor recommends depends on the type of incontinence you have. Here are some treatments for urinary incontinence to consider. Read More 

Are You A Fit For Laser Eye Surgery? What You Should Know In Advance

If you have struggled with eyesight problems for most of your life and would like to pursue surgery to correct your vision, you may be ready to talk with your eye doctor about the possibility of laser surgery. However, it's important to know what factors are considered when deciding if you are a good candidate for laser eye surgery. Here are some of the things that you should know.  Your Cornea Read More